2023 Casa Romantica Photo Album

Photo and Captions In The Process of Being Added

On April 15th, 2023 a group of fifteen garden club members decended upon Casa Romantica to perform some much needed garden maintenance. Due to the recent land slide, the area normally maintained by the San Clemente Garden Club was off-limit until testing by the geological company is completed.

Knowing that plants and weeds continue to grow, regardless of the circumstances faced presently at the Casa, this group made a huge impace on the gardens in the parking lot area of Casa Romantica.

The members who gathered were: Sally Mills, Susan Reveal, DeAnne Hanley, Catherine Hall, Vi McMahon, Deborah Spang, Jim Proett, Sherry Christensen, Florence Hana, Ginette Watson, Steve Watson, Mary Naasz, Harlow Naasz, Phong Doan and Kieu Doan.